Saving money on your baby stuff

As a new parent, you may come across lots of messages telling you that you have to spend alot of money on your new baby.

It doesn’t always have to be that way. This blog is all about sharing ways to cut down on these costs.

Feel free to add any money saving tips and strategies - the more the better. Let's stick it to the baby-product marketing man!

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Thursday 7 July 2011

Baby Saver has a new home!

Baby-saver has moved home, to

Come and have  a look around - there's plenty of familiar stuff, as well as free colouring in sheets, a dedicated breastfeeding section and more!

Check it out here!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Reclaim your baby's avocado

Do you have left over avocado mash from your baby's dinner time?

Salvage it for your own ends - apply in the evening on any part of your body that could use a little TLC.

Avocados are very rich in vitamin E, as well contain skin-friendly fatty acids.

They are also reported to hold anti inflammatory benefits.

Not a bad combination, from your little one's lunchtime remnants.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Free clothing pattern site

Just come across this site:

It's got a whole host of free clothing patterns online - from baby to toddler, grown up stuff and even hat patterns.

It's all free and encourages reusing fabric you already own (in the form of old clothes).

I just need to coordinate my eyes, fingers and brain in order to give the patterns a proper go - sleep deprivation still has its grip on me!

Monday 27 June 2011

Budgeting vs sleep deprivation

Our little man (13months)  isn't sleeping at night at the moment.

Overnight, he maybe gets 2 hours maximum after midnight. Two hours!

This has been going on for just over a week now - and oh boy does it affect your ability to stick to your budget, meal plan or even not reach for expensive ready meals because you're just too tired to think or cook.

The best I have managed is eating porridge for lunch - healthy, cheap and quick.

As for dinners though, I have no idea - a sleep deprived brain will always move towards the path of least resistance (or a shop bought lasagne).

What's more, we've even given spending a ridiculous sum on a 'Snugsheet' to try and help our little boy sleep - this has possibly blown about 2 months of careful scrimping.

That's sleep deprivation for you!


Tuesday 21 June 2011

Fishtank waterbirth

A friend of mine has just blogged about this - a fish-assisted waterbirth.

A lady somewhere in the world is going to give birth in a huge fishtank full of rather sizeable fish. Apparently, she'll be using the fish birthing energy.

Poor fish! Poor baby!

Birth's a messy business, I don't think I'd like my home to be swamped by birth stuff...

Anyway, click here for the link.

My favourite comment has to be 'May I assume that this will be your first birthing experience?'

I love it!

Utterly random toy discovery

You know that feeling that your baby has played his toys to death, and you haven't much left in the house, don't you love it when your baby finds 'new toys' for you?

The latest thing that our little lad has found is the previously inconspicuous lint roller.

A lint roller!

Who'd have thought it?

It's sticky, goes round and round and you can take it apart to reveal yet another thing that goes round and round.

Then there's the fun of trying to put the lint roll back on again...

Oh the joys!

Honestly, it's entertainment central round our gaff.

The lint roller's even more popular than the clothes pegs. Yes, you've guessed it - it's like Hamleys in our house.

Mind you, if Isambard Kingdom Brunel managed without Hamleys...

Saturday 18 June 2011

Lioness tries to eat a baby!

Ok, I know this has nothing to do with money saving, but it's a great video!

It made my tummy go all funny, just to watch it:

PS What a cute baby!